Earlybird ICNR2024 Registration is open!
Complete your registration here.
The Earlybird Registration deadline has been extended to
September 13, 2024, 23:59 US Central time.
Conference-only Registration Fees*
Early Student Conference Only Registration Fee (before September 13, 2024): 390€
Early General Conference Only Registration Fee (before September 13, 2024): 690€
Student Conference Only Registration Fee: 590€
General Conference Only Registration Fee: 890€
Single Day Conference Only Registration Fee: 390€
Pre-conference Workshop Fees
Early Workshop Student Fee (before September 13, 2024): 150€
Early Workshop General Fee (before September 13, 2024): 250€
Workshop Student Fee: 225€
Workshop General Fee: 350€
If you participate in both the Workshops and the full Conference, you will receive a 75€ discount:
Early Student Conference + Workshop Registration (before September 13, 2024): 465€
Early General Conference + Workshop Registration (before September 13, 2024): 865€
Student Conference + Workshop Registration: 740€
General Conference + Workshop Registration: 1165€
When registrations open, you will also have the option to purchase a ticket to the Gala Dinner for an additional fee; more information about the Gala Dinner will be announced in the coming days.
*If your paper has been selected, at least one author of the paper must be registered at the appropriate full conference rate (“General Conference” allows up to 2 manuscripts, “Student Conference” allows only 1 manuscript) in order to upload the final paper. If complete payment of a registration fee is not received, authors will not be able to proceed with uploading their final manuscript. While any author of the paper may be registered, only the designated corresponding author may upload the final paper. Once a manuscript has been uploaded, the registration fees cannot be refunded. Please be sure that the attending author completes payment and uploads the final paper. This means that they must be the “corresponding author”.
Again, “General Conference” allows up to 2 manuscripts and “Student Conference ” allows only 1 manuscript. If you are submitting more contributions , you will need to complete an additional conference registration and fee; Please make sure you include a comment “Additional registration to cover 3rd/4th/etc. papers” both in the registration and payment comment fields to indicate that it is not a duplicate.
Authors must register and complete payment before September 13, 2024, otherwise their paper will be excluded from the conference program and Proceedings.
Students, please make sure you bring your student ID during on-site registration check-in.
Updated: August 22, 2024.