ICNR2024 has concluded, and thank you to everyone who participated and particularly to our sponsors who supported ICNR!

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It is our pleasure to invite you to the 6th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2024) that will take place in "La Granja de San Ildefonso" in La Granja, Spain from November 5-8, 2024.

Restoring human sensory, motor and cognitive functions has been a fascinating research area during the last century. Interfacing the human nervous system with electronic and mechatronic systems to restore or compensate the neural function of patients is facing its crucial passage between research and actual clinical reality.

The 2024 International Conference on Neurorehabilitation will bring together researchers and students from the fields of Clinical Rehabilitation, Applied Neurophysiology, and Biomedical Engineering to promote, feed and encourage this therapeutic global shift and bring together researchers and innovators from all around the world to discuss novel approaches, challenges and potential solutions in technologies for wearable robots, especially in the clinical field.

ICNR2024 was held in La Granja, Spain from November 5-8, 2024.


General Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Other Sponsors

The organizers of ICNR2024 emphasize that the content and opinions shared by speakers and attendees are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the organizing committee. The ICNR2024 is committed to fostering a strictly scientific debate aimed solely at advancing knowledge and understanding within the field. We strive to promote ethical and rigorous research practices, and we expect all participants to adhere to these principles, engaging respectfully and professionally in accordance with the highest standards of scientific inquiry and integrity.